I am still here. I've been a bad blogger lately, though.
Let's see... I ran Thursday and instead of running my steady 27 1/2 minutes, I decided to switch it up a bit. After about a mile and a half, I started "sprinting" between light posts on the side of the road. I say "sprinting" because I know at this point it wasn't a dead out sprint, but I definitely picked up the pace a lot. I continued this for about 1/2 to 3/4 of a mile and then ran at a steady pace back to the house. Instead of the usual steady run, I mixed it up a bit and shortened the time by about 3-4 minutes. I really got my heart rate up and I was impressed that I could finish up my run after all those "sprints".
Saturday we had a garage sale at the house and made some money. We did pretty decent. We got rid of furniture that was just eating up space, so that was really great. I didn't run Saturday because I was just plain exhausted. After the garage sale and being outside for 6 hours all we did was eat lunch, nap and see a movie. :)
I got up this morning and ran my steady 27 1/2 minutes and burned almost 400 calories.... I guess I ran faster?? Who knows!
I do not want to go back to work tomorrow! Boo Mondays!
Missed a few
Sorry for a few missed posts!
I've still been running, though. No worries! I upped my time by 10% and now I am running for 27.5 minutes at a time.
Doing pretty well, too. I am not completely DEAD by the end. The outside of my right foot it starting to really hurt. Let's hope it's nothing serious. :(
Had a great Monday off! The fam all went to my sisters house and the kids and adults swam and cooked out. It was relaxing, but after getting up early to run and spending the whole day in the sun, I am wiped OUT!!
I SHOULDN'T have any issues going to sleep tonight :)
I've still been running, though. No worries! I upped my time by 10% and now I am running for 27.5 minutes at a time.
Doing pretty well, too. I am not completely DEAD by the end. The outside of my right foot it starting to really hurt. Let's hope it's nothing serious. :(
Had a great Monday off! The fam all went to my sisters house and the kids and adults swam and cooked out. It was relaxing, but after getting up early to run and spending the whole day in the sun, I am wiped OUT!!
I SHOULDN'T have any issues going to sleep tonight :)
Fat Talk
Please watch this video.
We should enjoy and love our bodies the way they are. There is a difference between wanting to be "healthy" and wanting to be "skinny". Unfortunately, most women hide behind "I want to be healthy" when what they really want is to be "skinny". Every woman's healthy is different from the next.
Let's end FAT TALK together!
Go on over to Caitlin's blog for more information on Fat Talk. She's done a wonderful job covering in this week!
"Me" time
Me, myself and I had some nice "me" time on my run. :)
I did another 2.7 in 25 minutes. I kept a pretty steady pace so I am happy about that. I think I am slowly building my stamina up.
I am going to try and slow my pace down on my Friday or Sunday run this week and run for longer. I really want to see if I can run at a decent pace for about 30 minutes. If so, it will be the most I've accomplished since High School. :)
I've got this crazy drive in me right now. I am loving it.
Don't ever give up.
I did another 2.7 in 25 minutes. I kept a pretty steady pace so I am happy about that. I think I am slowly building my stamina up.
I am going to try and slow my pace down on my Friday or Sunday run this week and run for longer. I really want to see if I can run at a decent pace for about 30 minutes. If so, it will be the most I've accomplished since High School. :)
I've got this crazy drive in me right now. I am loving it.
Don't ever give up.
That was me tonight. Instead of the usual 2.5 miles in 25 minutes, I ran 2.74 miles!! I kept between a 9:15-9:59 min. mile pace. I am pretty proud of myself. It probably helps that it was considerably cooler outside and windy, but I will take what I can get :)
I am waiting for "The Hills" to come on now... it's my guilty pleasure show :) That and the new 90210 :)
Loserville, I know!!
I am waiting for "The Hills" to come on now... it's my guilty pleasure show :) That and the new 90210 :)
Loserville, I know!!
It's killing me!
I hate sitting at this desk all day long. All I have thought about all day is getting out there and running. Is that sad???
A few quotes I enjoy:
"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - NIKE
"Enjoy your pain, you've earned it." - Anonymous
"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years that they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance is merely the demonstration of their championship character." - T. Alan Armstrong
Any-hoo, it's such a beautiful day out! I am wasting it here!! 39 more minutes until I can leave and get out on the open road. :)
A few quotes I enjoy:
"There are clubs you can't belong to, neighborhoods you can't live in, schools you can't get into, but the roads are always open." - NIKE
"Enjoy your pain, you've earned it." - Anonymous
"Champions do not become champions when they win the event, but in the hours, weeks, months and years that they spend preparing for it. The victorious performance is merely the demonstration of their championship character." - T. Alan Armstrong
Any-hoo, it's such a beautiful day out! I am wasting it here!! 39 more minutes until I can leave and get out on the open road. :)
Busy Bee!!
Good afternoon, everyone!! It's been a really productive day today for us!
I woke up around 8 and went on my run and once again returned absolutely nasty, but I felt so good and accomplished!! I changed and we went to one of the doggie parks in Pearland. This was Bailey's first time there and we think he did pretty well!! In case anyone wants to see a pic of Bailey, our long-haired mini dachshund, here he is!!
So, the other weekend I was determined to get our back TV room organized. So, we bought a 9 cube system at target and come to find out, it was on sale this weekend, so we went and got money back....yay!! We also got some new Solar Lights for our front yard. :) Of course, it looks like it wants to rain, so we may not get to check them out tonight!!
We came home and made dinner together. Homemade chicken salad! It is chillin' in the fridge for a while before we bust out the crackers and bread. I cannot wait!
Tomorrow we meet with our first potential wedding photographers. I am excited to see what they have to offer!
I burned 351 calories on my run this morning...yippee!!
Adios amigos and amigas!!
I woke up around 8 and went on my run and once again returned absolutely nasty, but I felt so good and accomplished!! I changed and we went to one of the doggie parks in Pearland. This was Bailey's first time there and we think he did pretty well!! In case anyone wants to see a pic of Bailey, our long-haired mini dachshund, here he is!!
We came home and made dinner together. Homemade chicken salad! It is chillin' in the fridge for a while before we bust out the crackers and bread. I cannot wait!
Tomorrow we meet with our first potential wedding photographers. I am excited to see what they have to offer!
I burned 351 calories on my run this morning...yippee!!
Adios amigos and amigas!!
It was sunny!
Today's run was very sunny. Not really complaining, but man, was it HOT. I think the "feels like" temperature is in the mid 90's. Yikes...it's only May!
I was a little worried about today's run because I am fighting with this cut on my knee. I am afraid it is becoming infected. I was worried it might affect my run. It hurt for the first 5 or so minutes, then either it went numb or I placed it in the back of my mind. Either way... yay! I ran 2.5 miles in 24 minutes, then walked, then ran, then walked until my 30 minutes was up. I kept a pretty decent pace, too. I was satisfied.
I was drenched, too!! Yuck.
I made myself a nice spinach salad with bell pepper and cucumber. It was refreshing.
I was a little worried about today's run because I am fighting with this cut on my knee. I am afraid it is becoming infected. I was worried it might affect my run. It hurt for the first 5 or so minutes, then either it went numb or I placed it in the back of my mind. Either way... yay! I ran 2.5 miles in 24 minutes, then walked, then ran, then walked until my 30 minutes was up. I kept a pretty decent pace, too. I was satisfied.
I was drenched, too!! Yuck.
I made myself a nice spinach salad with bell pepper and cucumber. It was refreshing.
Here's what I have to say about that!
I've been wanting to write this post for quite a while but needed to make sure it didn't come out too "nasty" or "rude".
This is about my struggle with healthy eating, but I am sure there are a lot of people out there who feel just like me or similarly.
Why is it so hard to eat healthy these days? Why are we scrutinized about it?
It's so upsetting to be someone who is trying to change the way I eat and be surrounded by so many people who don't support a healthy lifestyle. You make small, simple changes in your diet (i.e. olive oil instead of butter) and all of a sudden you have an "eating disorder". You read the food nutrition labels at the grocery store and you're "obsessed with food."
Apparently these people cannot appreciate a healthy lifestyle.
Why do things like keep bad food around the house? You know you'll eat it if it's available! But, just because you have the willpower to NOT stock your pantry or fridge with these "unhealthy" foods, you've "gone too far".
I've gone too far because I want to properly fuel my body? You know what? I exercise. Fueling my body is imperative to ward off injury and illness.
Just because I am a "Food Nazi" when YOU see me eat, doesn't mean I am never going to have ice cream, cake, chocolate, etc. It's all about balance and if I've eaten healthy all week and exercised regularly, I deserve a treat!! I don't need a treat every day though. My nutrients are much better off coming from vegetables, NOT a candy bar.
I am going to continue to practice a healthy lifestyle. My body likes and deserves it. It works hard all day.
In fact, I am going buy myself a pretty lunch box to support all my nutritious food. I am going to smile at the waitress or waiter when I order double veggies instead of fries and I will tip extra when I ask for more veggies on my veggie sandwich.
I am going to keep fueling my body the way it should be and my body will thank me for it!
This is about my struggle with healthy eating, but I am sure there are a lot of people out there who feel just like me or similarly.
Why is it so hard to eat healthy these days? Why are we scrutinized about it?
It's so upsetting to be someone who is trying to change the way I eat and be surrounded by so many people who don't support a healthy lifestyle. You make small, simple changes in your diet (i.e. olive oil instead of butter) and all of a sudden you have an "eating disorder". You read the food nutrition labels at the grocery store and you're "obsessed with food."
Apparently these people cannot appreciate a healthy lifestyle.
Why do things like keep bad food around the house? You know you'll eat it if it's available! But, just because you have the willpower to NOT stock your pantry or fridge with these "unhealthy" foods, you've "gone too far".
I've gone too far because I want to properly fuel my body? You know what? I exercise. Fueling my body is imperative to ward off injury and illness.
Just because I am a "Food Nazi" when YOU see me eat, doesn't mean I am never going to have ice cream, cake, chocolate, etc. It's all about balance and if I've eaten healthy all week and exercised regularly, I deserve a treat!! I don't need a treat every day though. My nutrients are much better off coming from vegetables, NOT a candy bar.
I am going to continue to practice a healthy lifestyle. My body likes and deserves it. It works hard all day.
In fact, I am going buy myself a pretty lunch box to support all my nutritious food. I am going to smile at the waitress or waiter when I order double veggies instead of fries and I will tip extra when I ask for more veggies on my veggie sandwich.
I am going to keep fueling my body the way it should be and my body will thank me for it!
Poor bike & Running
I totally ate it on my bike yesterday... long story short, I went over the handlebars. Got a skinned knee, but that's about it and I need to take my bike in to REI to get fixed. Bummer.
Today I ran for 30 minutes....20 minutes running, then run/walking. I burned a lot of calories and sweated buckets. It's getting HOT out there!!
I run so much better and longer when I have someone to run with. I found this out over the weekend during the PearRun. :)
I am now going to relax for the rest of the evening and eat dinner.
Today I ran for 30 minutes....20 minutes running, then run/walking. I burned a lot of calories and sweated buckets. It's getting HOT out there!!
I run so much better and longer when I have someone to run with. I found this out over the weekend during the PearRun. :)
I am now going to relax for the rest of the evening and eat dinner.
It's been a long day...
But a good one! I was up and at'em at 5AM this morning. Today was 5k day!!
Got there early, had plenty of time to pick up my packet, tshirt and chip and walk around for a while. Jeni got there about 10 or so minutes before the race. We chatted for a few minutes before the siren sounded. Then we were off. When we crossed the timing mat, I started my Garmin.
Folks, we ran the entire time and chatted. We ran it in 31 minutes. We did a great job. I felt great afterward, too. Could have been that Everything bagel I scarfed while cooling down, but ya know!! ;)
I was pretty happy with myself...I ran the ENTIRE time. All 31 minutes. The longest I have run at one time before having to stop and walk before this race was 14 minutes. It definitely helps to have someone to run with!
The rest of the day was spent running errands. I got my oil changed, at lunch, went to Target and got some organizational stuff, bought Mother's Day presents and just finished cooking and eating dinner. I have been on the go since 5 AM and it's catching up with me!!
The rest of my evening consists of lounging on the couch with Andrew and watching The Goonies. :D
BTW, I burned about 374 calories.... 50 or so more than my usual 30 minute run/walks :)
Got there early, had plenty of time to pick up my packet, tshirt and chip and walk around for a while. Jeni got there about 10 or so minutes before the race. We chatted for a few minutes before the siren sounded. Then we were off. When we crossed the timing mat, I started my Garmin.
Folks, we ran the entire time and chatted. We ran it in 31 minutes. We did a great job. I felt great afterward, too. Could have been that Everything bagel I scarfed while cooling down, but ya know!! ;)
I was pretty happy with myself...I ran the ENTIRE time. All 31 minutes. The longest I have run at one time before having to stop and walk before this race was 14 minutes. It definitely helps to have someone to run with!
The rest of the day was spent running errands. I got my oil changed, at lunch, went to Target and got some organizational stuff, bought Mother's Day presents and just finished cooking and eating dinner. I have been on the go since 5 AM and it's catching up with me!!
The rest of my evening consists of lounging on the couch with Andrew and watching The Goonies. :D
BTW, I burned about 374 calories.... 50 or so more than my usual 30 minute run/walks :)
"Why the hell not??" :)
Now that we have food in the house :) I was able to get back down to business.
I signed up for a 5k on Saturday morning, so I really just wanted to get out there this evening and run. I didn't wear my fancy shmancy Garmin, just a digital watch. I pressed "Start" on it and went about my business. Run Run Run.....
I ran for 14 minutes at one time today. That is the longest so far. I started off run 1, walk 1 and have moved my way up from there. I am proud of myself. Feeling pretty good when I am out there killin' the pavement.
Still icing my ankles/feet when I get home and taking my L-Glutamine....my feet are starting to bother me, but let's hope that is just because I am increasing my running time and it's natural!!
I got an unexpected bonus at work the other day. I had every intention of putting it all in the bank, but sometimes money just burns a hole in my dang pocket. I only spent a small portion of it.
Yay!! I am an avid reader, so I figured, "Why the hell not??"
I cannot wait to get it... it is supposed to be shipped tomorrow.
Full review in another entry!! Be on the lookout!! =)
I signed up for a 5k on Saturday morning, so I really just wanted to get out there this evening and run. I didn't wear my fancy shmancy Garmin, just a digital watch. I pressed "Start" on it and went about my business. Run Run Run.....
I ran for 14 minutes at one time today. That is the longest so far. I started off run 1, walk 1 and have moved my way up from there. I am proud of myself. Feeling pretty good when I am out there killin' the pavement.
Still icing my ankles/feet when I get home and taking my L-Glutamine....my feet are starting to bother me, but let's hope that is just because I am increasing my running time and it's natural!!
I got an unexpected bonus at work the other day. I had every intention of putting it all in the bank, but sometimes money just burns a hole in my dang pocket. I only spent a small portion of it.

Yay!! I am an avid reader, so I figured, "Why the hell not??"
I cannot wait to get it... it is supposed to be shipped tomorrow.
Full review in another entry!! Be on the lookout!! =)
Bad day
Today was sooo incredible long. First I had to be at work for a 730AM meeting and then at the end of the (LOONNNGG) day, something kept me late. What a day!!
Unfortunately, I was supppppposed to come home, run and head to the grocery store. We had absolutely no food in our house. It was kind of pathetic actually. It was already late when I got home and there was no getting out of grocery shopping, so off we went. No running.
Tomorrow will be a run day AND a weight day. Sweet!!
Don't everyone be jealous!
Unfortunately, I was supppppposed to come home, run and head to the grocery store. We had absolutely no food in our house. It was kind of pathetic actually. It was already late when I got home and there was no getting out of grocery shopping, so off we went. No running.
Tomorrow will be a run day AND a weight day. Sweet!!
Don't everyone be jealous!
Is anyone out there?
Okay, I have made the decision to start my own blog. Again, I know. I was doing a blog with my sis-in-law and found that I blogged rather consistently, so maybe I can try this on my own! Kudos to her for wanting to use the blog to feel accountable for what she has decided to embark on. I just feel like my posts might get lost somewhere in there???
Anyways, I am really excited about this. I probably won't blog every day, but I was doing it at least every other day or so on the other one, so who knows!
I am getting married to my FH (future husband) on 11-7-09. I have always been athletic and enjoyed being outdoors. It's been a while since I have been part of an organized sport and I need to get back into shape. :)
This blog is mostly about me discovering a new love for exercise and all the ways I can accomplish this. Running, biking, walking, hiking, etc.! I cannot wait for this new journey!
I hope some of the people who were following me before will continue to follow me here! Also, please root for my sis-in-law who is doing a totally body overhaul!! :)
Anyways, I am really excited about this. I probably won't blog every day, but I was doing it at least every other day or so on the other one, so who knows!
I am getting married to my FH (future husband) on 11-7-09. I have always been athletic and enjoyed being outdoors. It's been a while since I have been part of an organized sport and I need to get back into shape. :)
This blog is mostly about me discovering a new love for exercise and all the ways I can accomplish this. Running, biking, walking, hiking, etc.! I cannot wait for this new journey!
I hope some of the people who were following me before will continue to follow me here! Also, please root for my sis-in-law who is doing a totally body overhaul!! :)
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